Dental Implants

The dental implant market is expanding rapidly, driven by an aging population. This growth offers dental practices a chance to boost production and profits significantly. However, the increasing competition in this sector leads to higher lead costs and lower conversion rates. Over the past decade, we've managed numerous campaigns for dental implant practices, catering to specialists such as Oral Surgeons, Periodontists, Prosthodontists, and General Dentists. Our long-term strategies are designed to enhance focus on lucrative multi-implant and full arch cases.

Why Choose Choice OMG?

Choice OMG Dental Marketing is a full-service, accredited agency specializing in dental implant marketing, particularly for Full Arch cases. Our comprehensive services encompass planning, marketing, training, and oversight, explicitly tailored for impactful case marketing.

Key Elements for Success

To consistently generate and close full arch and multi-implant cases, a robust Dental Implant Marketing Campaign is essential, which includes:

  • Automated Lead Management: Effective follow-up strategies involving texts, emails, and phone calls are crucial for maintaining engagement with potential clients.
  • Specialized Focus: Our exclusive dedication to Dental Implant Marketing sets us apart.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We collaborate with leading dental implant companies, enhancing our expertise and reach.
  • Comprehensive Growth Strategy: Beyond advertising, we offer asset creation, team training, and a proven business system for sustainable growth.
  • Accredited Training: Our CE-accredited curriculum and sales training programs for Treatment Coordinators are designed to boost Full Arch Dental Implant Sales proficiency.

Unique Approach to Dental Implant Marketing

We've perfected a process over 14 years and thousands of campaigns to attract and close full arch dental implant cases. Our approach is tailored to the unique needs of each dental practice, encompassing everything from initial contact to the final closing of a case.

Your Guide to Success

Conversion Strategies For Dental Implant Practices in The USA
We blow the ppc competition away. We work harder, stay closer, and we always win. Whether it’s Google Ads, YouTube, Meta, or SEO - Choice OMG does dental implant marketing really well.

To begin transforming your dental implant practice, complete our assessment form. You'll receive a tailored Business/Marketing Strategy to increase your dental implant production, along with a timeline for implementation and pricing customized to your practice and market.